Pain (Clinic)
Why choose us?

The Pain Clinic effectively treats all types of pain and relieves thousands of patients throughout the year, giving them a better quality of life, using modern and scientifically thorough approaches. Also, our Clinic is the first to use combined fluoroscopy and ultrasound techniques with the direct collaboration of Neurosurgeon - Anaesthesiologist, innovating in the application of the field of neuromodulation where the latest technologies are applied.

The main objective remains to improve the quality of life and to relieve the daily torture of pain.

For any information or to make an appointment, you can contact the Secretariat of the Clinic
+30 2310 390 766 | +30 2310 380 000

What is pain?

Pain is defined as the "unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage" (IASP, 1979). No matter how one understands the concept of pain, pain is not only a symptom, but also a disease.

"One in two adults in Europe over the age of 65 suffers from chronic pain."

With the progress and extension of age limits, as well as the number of cases that are now recognized as cases of chronic pain, the need for a specialised Pain Clinic  is high. This Clinic can offer conservative and invasive solutions to the patient, using methods that are common practice in most European countries. The aim of these methods is to:

Objective of the Pain Clinic

The Pain Clinic of St. Luke's Hospital aims at the complete management patients with chronic pain, of any aetiology, through the following:

To whom is the Pain Clinic addressed?

Some typical conditions that lead the patient to the doctor's office are the following:

Therapeutic interventions offered by the Pain Clinic

The therapeutic interventions offered by the Pain Clinic include the following:

Which medical specialty is involved in the treatment of pain?

The medical specialty that deals with pain relief is Algology. The Algologist is an Anaesthesiologist specialising in the diagnosis, control and treatment of all kinds of pain described above. In general, the types of pain are as follows:

The clinic operates daily by appointment.

Doctors of the department:

No Doctors found.
Doctors of the department:

Useful tips for your hospitalization


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+30 2310 390 766
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