Food Safety Policy

St. Luke's Hospital responding to the requirements of modern business reality and aiming to provide high quality catering services, to improve its organizational structure and internal communication and the safety of the meals provided to patients and customers of the canteen, decided to design and install a Product Safety System

in accordance with the requirements of the International Standard ELOT EN ISO 22000:2018.

The Food Safety Management System (FSMS) of the clinic covers the preparation, production and distribution of meals for the feeding of the patients of the clinic as well as for the canteen and was designed according to the needs and objectives of the clinic, in accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements of the current Greek and EU legislation.

Satisfying and ensuring customer confidence through the fulfilment of defined quality standards and consistency in the provision of catering services are basic principles of the Clinic. The overall goal is to provide patients and canteen clients with safe food and consistent quality of service at every level. More specifically, the Clinic seeks to:

- the continuous upgrading of the capacity of the departments involved in feeding, through programmes

training, but also recruiting qualified young workers.

- the continuous improvement of the FMS (ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System) and its operation

of the Clinic using the following tools:

- Definition and review of product quality and safety objectives

- Management Review

- Internal Inspections

- Corrective and Preventive Actions

- Systematic analysis of data resulting from the Quality Records.

- Measurable objectives of the Clinic to meet the above food safety policy are:

- Product returns or complaints from customers about the quality and safety of products

meals provided should not exceed 5% of all patients each year.

- All laboratory analysis results for our products to be within the

limits set by European and Greek legislation.

- Non-compliant products received from suppliers less than 5% of

total receipts.

In addition, the philosophy and values of the Hospital include the avoidance of environmental damage, the prudent use of natural resources and the application of health and safety rules.

In order to achieve the above goals, all necessary references have been made in the documentation regarding the Food Safety Management System. Principles set by the Hospital are fulfilled through systematic planning, procedure control and continuous improvement of all activities.

The Management is committed to providing the infrastructure and equipment deemed necessary for the implementation of its work. Each employee is responsible for the quality of his/her own work and it is imperative that he/she contributes to the management of quality, product safety and the achievement of the set objectives. For this reason, all employees, according to their responsibilities, are informed about the Food Safety Management System and act demonstrably in accordance with the established rules.

Procedures, flows and actions which do not guarantee the achievement of the objectives set are immediately interrupted by those responsible, root cause analyses are carried out and the necessary improvement measures are defined.