Hysteroscopy, an innovative method that helps increase the positive results to achieve pregnancy

Hysteroscopy, an innovative method that helps increase the positive results to achieve pregnancy

August 6, 2024

Advances in the field of IVF with new methods and personalized approaches are boosting the hopes of many couples to achieve a safe pregnancy.

In recent years, specific modern endoscopic methods, such as hysteroscopy, have gained more and more acceptance as the most reliable diagnostic techniques for assessing infertility, treating it and beyond.

Hysteroscopy is an innovative method of examining the endometrial cavity (inside the uterus). This is a short operation, which allows us to examine the shape of the uterine cavity, the presence of intrauterine pathology (eg endometrial polyp), the cervical cavity and the orifices of the fallopian tubes in the uterus.

Hysteroscopy is a painless special examination that takes a few minutes. The operation is performed with the help of a thin telescope (hysteroscope), which is inserted through the vagina and cervix into the endometrial cavity, without incisions. With a very small camera, 3-5mm in diameter, the gynecologist approaches the uterus from the vagina, through the endocervical canal. The doctor very slowly inserts this small camera into the uterine cavity. With this examination, it is possible to check the endocervical area to investigate whether there is a polyp, adhesions or malignancy and the uterine cavity for the presence of septum, adhesions, uterine deformity, fibroids, polyps, hyperplasia and malignancy. Most often, it is chosen to administer light analgesia (intoxication), while the patient is discharged from the hospital 2-3 hours later. Postoperative pain is negligible and the patient regains normal activity on the same day.

The main advantage of hysteroscopy is the ability to overview the endometrial cavity and detect pathological conditions. It provides the possibility, at the same time, of diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of the above problems.

These pathological conditions are often responsible for the negative effect of an IVF attempt, as well as for frequent miscarriages of the fetus.

The benefit of hysteroscopy, however, can extend beyond the treatment of uterine pathology. It can positively contribute to the process of embryo transfer (more accurate placement of the embryo (s)).

It is obvious that the role of hysteroscopy, diagnostic or invasive, is particularly important and is a valuable tool in the treatment of infertility!

The European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) recommends hysteroscopy to confirm and treat endometrium with pathology, but not as a routine examination.


The expertise of assisted reproductive gynecologists, experienced nursing staff and equipment with state-of-the-art hysteroscopy machines make hysteroscopy a simple and safe method, offering the possibility of diagnosing with a direct overview, but at the same time also treating the intrauterine cavity. It also helps to increase the positive results for achieving pregnancy, either by IVF or by natural conception.

Drs. Nikolaos Tsagias,

Gynecologist - Obstetrician


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August 6, 2024

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