Epilepsy (Centre)
Why choose us?

The Clinic Center's Epilepsy Program meets the requirements of a modern tertiary Epileptology Program. Its capabilities stand out in Greece, but also in the wider Balkan region, setting the bar high when it comes to the care of patients with epilepsy. We make about 100-110 case estimates per year, of which 35% in children. Of the total estimates, 75% are diagnostic and 25% preoperative. Preoperative estimates suggest about 10-12 surgeries per year, a high number considering the frequency of the disease and the number of patients requiring surgical treatment.

Our statistics, logistical infrastructure and human resources are in line with the necessary conditions and guidelines proposed by the International Association Against Epilepsy (ILAE) for the operation of tertiary Epilepsy Centres — and it is important to be aware of these conditions in order to choose the Centre where to stay. Our work in recent years has also resulted in relevant publications in prestigious international medical journals.

For any information or to make an appointment, you can contact the Secretariat of the Department
+30 2310 390 766 | +30 2310 380 000

At the Clinic “AGIOS LOUKAS” there is an Epilepsy Program and a Special Crisis Recording Unit, which offer services to people with epilepsy and other similar problems. The above services belong to the activities of the Epilepsy Center, which was formed in mid-2002 and is part of the Neurological Department of the Clinic.

Services offered

The Epilepsy Center's modern Epilepsy Program is aimed at people experiencing seizures (or seizures that look like seizures) and its goal is to give these people the best possible care. For the success of this objective, it is necessary:

Who is the Epilepsy Center for?

The categories of patients who can benefit from the services of the Epilepsy Center are mainly the following:

Epilepsy Program

What does it include?

The extent and type of examination, to which each patient undergoes, is individualized according to the type of problem. The most basic examinations are the following:

Long-Term Video-Electroencephalographic Recordings

The Long-Term Video-Electroencephalographic Recordings are made at the Epilepsy Center, in a specially configured Unit and under close supervision of the patient by medical, technical and nursing staff. During the examination, the patient can do all his usual daily activities. With these records we achieve:

Long-Term Intracranial Video-Electroencephalographic Recordings

In some of the patients who are candidates for surgery, we may need to use special recordings, intracranial, which are made with special electrodes placed with an intervention on the brain.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain

This examination gives us more specific information about damage to the brain, which is not ruled out to be responsible for seizures. It is especially important to know the etiology of epilepsy, especially when considering the possibility of surgical treatment of the problem.

Neuropsychological Tests

These provide important information about the mental functions of the patient and their possible disorders due to brain damage and ongoing seizures or even adverse drug reactions. This information is especially important when planning surgery and we want to assess a patient's mental abilities and weaknesses in order to advise them on their path to school or professional employment and what kind of help they may need.

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) of movement and speech 

This examination is done to identify areas in the brain that are important for movement and speech comprehension, so that the neurosurgeon can plan the operation in such a way as to avoid these areas and the associated risks of postoperative deficits in these functions.

EEG and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (EEG-fMRI)

Specifically for the detection of epileptic foci, we also apply the combination of EEG and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (EEG-fMRI), a new development in the field of preoperative epilepsy assessment, which is constantly gaining ground in major Epilepsy centers. Our Center is the only one in Greece and the Balkans that has this possibility, and in Europe there are no more than 15 other centers with this possibility.

Continuous care and monitoring

The result of interdisciplinary cooperation

The Epilepsy Program operates under the responsibility of a team of specially trained neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists, neuropsychologists and with the constant care and monitoring of experienced technicians and nursing staff.

Innovative methods for treating patients with epilepsy

Stopping epileptic seizures or significantly improving their control

The Epilepsy Group of the Clinic “AGIOS LUCAS”, headed by Mr. Gargani, Neurologist - Epileptologist, Doctor of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, applies innovative methods for the treatment of patients with epilepsy. These practices are for patients with epilepsy who are resistant to the relevant medications. The key to the success of these practices lies in the following:

Seizure-free after surgery 75% of patients. In a 15-20% there is a significant improvement in crisis control, while only in 5-7% the situation remains without improvement.

Doctors of the department:

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Useful tips for your hospitalization


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